Resolution Platforms
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to solving conflict. Every conflict is different; therefore, every resolution strategy needs to take into account the unique circumstances that play a role in shaping the conflict at hand. That is why the George Milton Group had developed unique conflict resolution programs to help communities and organizations develop conflict resolutions platforms and strategies that meet their unique needs. By helping stakeholders within an organization identify, address, and resolve conflict that is germane to their organization, we believe that the organization can be truer to their mission, thus deliver a more rewarding experience for its members.
Couples Therapy Single Issue Resolution
- Vision: To assist couples and therapists address individual issues within the counseling paradigm, thus eliminating individual obstacles to the couples counseling process.
- Mission: Serve as a periodic resource to couples therapists and work alongside couples/counselors to mediative individual disputes that may be preventing more meaningful progress and create a multi-level approach to couples therapy.
Condo Act ADR Administration
- Vision: To create a practical and accessible platform where members of conflict association are able to field, handle and resolve incidents of conflict in a manner that exceeds the practical application of N.J.S.A. 46:8B-14(k).
- Mission: Develop education, training, and best practice paradigms for ADR committees within a condo association to be sure that they meet the requirements of N.J.S.A. 46:8B-14(k).
Chamber of Commerce Dispute Consulting
- Vision: To create an environment where local business and their customers can interact in an environment that facilitates a sense of community.
- Mission: Create an independent board comprised of professional neutrals that work in conjunction with chambers, businesses, and communities to create an commercial ombudsman program (providing resources and information for program participants) and develop a mediation program (to proactively deals with incidents of conflict between the organization, its members, and/or their customers)
Youth Sports Dispute Resolution Oversight
- Vision: To create a safer and more inclusive experience for the youth athletes and families that actively participate in youth sports.
- Mission: Create an independent board comprised of professional neutrals that work in conjunction with ameateur sports programs to create an organizational ombudsman program (providing resources and information for program participants) and develop a mediation program (to proactively deals with incident of conflict between athletes, coaches, families, and members of the organization.)
Collegiate Sports Resolution Oversight
- Vision: To create an independent student-centric conflict resolution environment for athletes on the scholastic and collegiate levels.
- Mission: Develop an independent ombudsman resource comprised of professional neutrals, educators, coaches, and counselors that is free of potential conflicts that may be present in an athletic department’s administrative infrastructure. .
For more information on one of our programs or to enlist our help in developing a conflict resolution program that can benefit your organization or community, call us at 866-506-3093 or email us at [email protected]